Literary Fiction
A kooky spiritual love story about a woman who falls in love with a man from ...Some Place Else.
Science Fiction
A thriller set in a future where there are only two countries on Earth,
and the global sport is planting bombs that must be deactivated before they detonate.
A new take on The Maltese Falcon, REEL LIFE CRIME mirrors the plot of Dashiell Hammett’s story (and John Huston’s film), while being an original mystery in its own right, a tongue-in-cheek
hard-boiled detective story, an affectionate tribute to the noir genre, and a commentary on
how much films impact our culture and our everyday lives.
"...written like a film, revealing characters and situations through dialogue -- at which Pepper excels.
...twists and turns...oddball characters...and it's very funny."
- Amazon.com
"A great read.
The author takes us back to the days of Spade and Marlow: nicely done
with some surprising twists!
The dialogue is crisp, the characters are skillfully drawn and delightfully offbeat, and the plot,
while intentionally tracking the original, is new and fresh.
And, of course, there's a beautiful woman knee (or thigh) deep in the case."
- Amazon.com
Also on The New Book Review
Great. Wonderful descriptions of the city...felt like I was visiting San Francisco, again.
I might have missed some of the nuances, not being a movie or a history buff,
but even if this was the case it didn't distract from my enjoyment. Fun.
- Amazon.com
I was intrigued by Reel Life Crime...
There is mystery, plot twists and turns, revenge and near-death experiences.
The ending is not what one would expect.
I thought this was a great read and highly recommend it. I enjoyed the suspense
and the characters were believable and likeable. I have never read The Maltese Falcon
or seen the movie but I will now.
- Cindy A. Johnson, writing on Reader Jots
Also on The New Book Review
Follow Cindy's blogs at:
Readerjots and alphabetletters
“...what I call a curl up in front of the fire with a bag of popcorn and some hot chocolate
and sit down to a really good book.
This is a great story, full of suspense and wonderfully real characters....
I loved it. I hope [the author] creates many more novels with these characters.”
- Reviewed by Sue Owen on Paper Mustang
"This book is a lot of fun. It roughly follows the plot of The Maltese Falcon,
and its fond references to the 1941 movie are skillfully woven into it....
Like the movie, the reader thinks the case is done until the next monkey-wrench
is thrown into the works. The main character, Ed Sampas, is a character right out of
1940’s film noir.
...this story and its characters will absorb the reader to the last page."
- Hampton Reviews
Also on The New Book Review
Read an excerpt here.
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