GABE’s been feeling a little down lately.
He might be depressed, “But it’s more like... Anxiety? Fear? It’s a combination of all that.
More anxious or scared, but maybe depression’s in there, too.
Or maybe that’s what’s making me depressed.
Or maybe being depressed is making me anxious or scared. I can’t put my finger on it, exactly.”

So when he passes a roadside church while out for a drive, he goes in on the spur of the moment.

Inside, he meets CLAY, who “may have a few things figured out” and who, Gave decides,
“must have some idea that might help.”

Will Clay be able to help Gabe?
Or has Gabe walked into the wrong church?


Age unimportant, but at least 50.




About the same age as Gabe.

Could be older.