WAYNE (50s, white) and MAYA (50s, Chinese, born in the United States) have three children.
KYLA (31, Chinese / African-American) is Maya’s daughter from her first marriage;
VICTOR (25, white) is Wayne’s son from his first marriage; PACE (20, White / Chinese) is their daughter.
In Maya’s words, they’re “a patchwork family.”
When Wayne’s business partner and close friend is diagnosed with cancer,
Wayne decides the family should take “one of those tests” that reveal ancestry.
(And also medical markers.)
Kyla and Pace are all for it, but Victor wants no part of the test.
“Just because you can find out something, doesn’t mean you should.”
So the family proceeds without him, sending in cheek swabs of their saliva
and waiting the 6-8 weeks for the results.
When the results do arrive, they bring a surprise that forces everyone - especially Vic and Kyla -
to consider what really matters when it comes to family.