GAIL and TED return to her apartment, on their first date after having recently met on a dating site.
Things have gone so well tonight that it’s clear they’re headed for the bedroom.
That’s when Ted (1) calls in TED (2) to take his place.
It’s a new app for people who are too busy to go on a date themselves.
The app sends a replacement, and if the evening goes well, it notifies you to show up for the sex.
Which works fine for Ted. But Gail’s not too pleased.
After Ted (1) says good-night, she whips out a can of pepper spray and forces Ted (2) to stay and listen to her tell him
what a crud he is.
But she can’t get through to him, so she uses a different app to bring in DAWN, to give Ted shit for her.
Dawn shows up and laces in to Ted, who decides he doesn’t have to take this and resorts to yet a different app.
Soon BEN arrives to take Ted’s shit from Dawn.
Doesn’t anyone do anything for themselves anymore?
Not if they can help it.
It’s the app age. The gig era. Why do it yourself when you can pay someone to do it for you?
Early 20s-Early 30s.
TED (1) |
About the same age as Gail.
TED (2) |
About the same age as Gail.
Age unimportant, but not older than 40. |
Age unimportant, but not older than 40. |