WADE HARDING is a talented playwright who’s finally breaking through. Maybe.
At least he’s poised to break through — he’s two weeks away from his first Broadway production.
With “one of the hottest actors out there.”
Too bad the Star Actor and the Successful Director have convinced Wade to change the ending of his play,
from a hard-hitting uncompromising socko finish to an audience-pleasing happy moment.
Or, as Bret, the Successful Director puts it, “You want to end with an Ooph! We want to end with an Aahh!”
Wade isn’t sure... But with everyone telling him this is the way to go, this is the way he’s gone.
And he’s bending over backward to convince himself it’s the right thing to do.
That’s when CHASE — the main character in Wade’s play - shows up in his living room.
Chase isn’t happy with the play’s new ending, and wants Wade to change it to something more honest.
When Wade resists, Chase makes him an offer: “Something is going to happen to you. Might stop you from ever writing another play. I know what it is, and I’ll save you. If you change the ending of my play.”
Will Wade risk his Big Chance and change the ending?
Or go with Success, but risk all his future plays.
Is something really going to happen to Wade?
Does Chase really know what it is?
And why does Chase keeping slapping Wade?
Finalist — 2018 Award for Excellence in Playwriting
Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE)
40s (30s would work, too.)
A playwright
30s-40s (Could be younger)
A character in Wade’s latest play |
40s-50s (Should be older than Wade)
A director